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b i r t h o f d e c a y

Welcome to Moonflame Designs, a small design portfolio run by me (Presea, Melanie, whatever you prefer), since October of 2005. This website offers graphics as small as avatars to complete website layouts, along with tutorials, brushes, and other resources. More recent designs (post-2014) will be offered in a variety of formats, including avatars, wallpapers (for phone and PC), facebook cover pictures, and website layouts. Older designs have since been retired, but can still be viewed and used. Enjoy browsing, I hope you find something useful! And, if you don't, and would like to suggest something, send me an e-mail (! I love trying new things and I definitely have a lot to learn! Thanks for visiting! Don't be afraid to leave a comment! xoxo

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d e c a y c o n s t a n t

Updated by Presea on 28 Nov 2009

Am I right?

Okay. Welcome to Moonflame's twentieth version, Forever Burning, appropriately titled because I just do not know when to quit. On my screen, all is well in Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. On my brother's screen, however, it looks pretty crappy. What can I do? There are tons of screens out there. I cannot account for the appearance of my layout on every individual screen. Sorry for the rant. I am back for not even a day and I am already ranting.. Jeez!

So I have been downstairs in my basement here for the past two and a half days tinkering away at this bad boy. I feel like a hermit 8D The design came to me like that (please note that the 'that' is in fact me snapping my fingers), the codes, well, not too difficult.. What was trouble was changing every page to match this layout's coding. I thought that was why I switched to PHP, so I could avoid that. Oh golly..

Well, I just want to let you all know how very 'l33t' my coding is. I utilized table classes this time around. "Small". "Big." "Toobig." W00t.

Now, everyone's favourite part of the update, my excuse. Oh wait? It is not? Boy, have I been wrong. For the most part, I can push the blame onto school. The work load is enough to break my back (it probably will someday). Other excuses include but are not limited to: play practice, choir, piano, and my computer crashing. Ooh, that last one is kind of important. My computer crashed I was without my ability to design and update for a bit. Thankfully, I recovered all of my designs, codes, and programs (excluding Photoshop, I am sad to say). So, it was not all that bad. At least we got a new computer. The other one was only, oh I do not know, seven years old? Sounds about right.

So, updates include this fancy pants new layout and a welcome sign. Pretty scarce, there should be more soon. Look forward to more plus a revamp of the guild. I would really like to get that bad boy up and running.

Thank you everyone for your understanding, it is much appreciated. Affiliates, those who have not updated or have just plain disappeared, I will not remove your link. Should you return, I would like that we continue our friendship and therefore I will not take you down. Take your time, update whenever you can. Just let me know that you are okay, just a shout in the shoutbox will do. Whatever you can do to keep in touch, I know that the times are hectic, especially with the holidays around. On that note, I hope you all enjoyed a lovely Thanksgiving and I will talk to you soon.


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credits & copyrights

t h e r e a s o n w e ' r e h e r e

I owe many thanks to Nadja of Rebirth for generously hosting Moonflame Designs for many years now. Without her kindness, I would surely still be derping around on Freewebs.

Moonflame Designs is copyright Presea, January 3, 2014; please do not reproduce any of its contents without permission. Resources for the current version as well as the graphics found around the website can be located on the Credits & Copyrights page. Thank you for visiting!